Monday 15 August 2016

Listen Guys, This is how to know if you are dating a fake GIRL.

Every man needs to read this piece to free himself from that fake girlfriend trying to ruin his life. If possible, tell your friends. Here are simple ways to identify a fake girlfriend.

1. A fake girlfriend will never call her guy for a minute, but continuous flashing is her hobby.
Yes, most Nigerian girls are guilty of this. A man will buy airtime for you, yet she will not call but only flashes him.

2. A fake girlfriend will never appreciate what her guy does for her.
If your girlfriend never appreciates you for the sacrifices or things you do out of love, my brother, you are very much on your own. A fake girlfriend will milk you dry and unconsciously not care.

3. A fake girlfriend will always complain on unnecessary things that has no meaning.
Yes, you read right. Fake girlfriends always nag you to hell. She will complain all the time even on flimsy things. She will want to make life miserable for you. Avoid her.

4. A fake girlfriend always requests for money, she will turn her guy to ATM machine.
That's right. She doesn't want to know where you get it. All she wants is your money.

5. A fake girlfriend won’t listen to her guy’s advice.
Never! She's always argumentative and will never listen to you. A true girlfriend listens and wants to hear from you all the time.

6. A fake girlfriend won’t respect/honor her guy, All she does is to always look down on him.
She is sometime too proud or bossy and orders you around like a baby.

7. A fake girlfriend wont sit down with her guy and talk to him how the relationship will lead to marriage.Yes! She's always busy on the phone chatting with other guys or receiving calls and will not care where the relationship is heading. At every little quarrel, she will threaten to end the relationship.

8. A fake girlfriend won’t ask her guy the challenges he is facing at his work.

9. A Fake girlfriend always lie to her guy.

10. A Fake Girlfriend will cheat on her guy in the end

Vital Things Every Girl Observes In A Guy.

Let us have a look at some of the basic things a girl will look for in a guy whenever they see him. these are common factors that can disqualify dangote and qualify me !!! They are as follows:

1. Whether the guy is hot: The very first thing that every girl actually notices in a guy is how much hot the guy is. When you ask any girl, they can never ever deny this fact.

2. The way of his dressing: Without any doubt, this is the next thing that each and every girl will definitely notice. They will observe you and will be eager to understand the way of your dressing

3. Manners: This is one of the things that every girl notices in a guy. She observes the manners that the guy possesses. Sober and nice manners will obviously attract more and more girls towards a guy.

4. Grooming: Well, the most interesting fact is that women are generally more attracted to a well groomed guy rather than a shabby guy. And this is one of the things that every woman notices in a guy she comes across.

5. Confidence: It is the confidence level in a guy that strongly attracts a woman just like a magnet does. One of the most attractive characteristics of a man is his confidence level.

6. His company: This is another thing that a girl will observe when she sees a man. If he is with a girl, they will think he is taken and if he is with a group he is really social

7. How A Guy smells: Many factors may qualify you but this factor will surely cripple you when you smell bad. use your roll on, body spray and have a perfume that smells nice. 

8. Personal hygiene: Hygiene is the most important fact that actually is a major factor that every girl will watch out for. always have your teeth thoroughly brushed.

9. Footwear: The girls generally also observe the type of footwear the guy wears. After all, your shoe will say a lot. A shabby footwear will definitely have a very bad impression on the ladies.

10. How good you listen: Every girl actually notices how good a listener her guy is. All girls actually want their men to listen to them properly and not just hear what they say. my fiancee is a kind of person that takes 30 minutes to deliver 2minutes gist . even when it is not interesting bro na listening i dey oh . Often those gist are just too important to ladies no matter how irrelevant they may seem to you

11. Frequency of smile: Girls generally also look out to observe how often the guy smiles. Smile is a good indication of the personality of the guy.

12. The Guy’s Pocket: a lot of people opened this thread to see this at number 1, the post is not in serial order or according to first observed so calm down . ladies add much relevance to the state of a guy’s pocket. bro if you drive benz and i drive ferrari she is willing to upgrade because ferrari provides more comfort. so hustle harder bro. ladies abi i lie?

“Nigeria Is In The Hands Of Wrong Managers Who Do Not Know What To Do” – Fayose To Buhari

Ekiti State Governor, Mr Ayodele Fayose has said that Nigerians were suffering under the All Progressives Congress (APC) government of President Muhammadu Buhari because “the country is in the hands of wrong managers who do not know what to do are not r‎eady to be assisted.”

The governor said “presently, Nigerians are suffering; they are hungry and angry because the APC federal government has ran the country aground,” adding that; “Nigeria has gone beyond recession, the economy has collapsed completely and painfully, those who should revive the economy do not have any clue as to what to do.”

In a statement issued in Ado-Ekiti on Sunday, by his Special Assistant on Public Communications and New Media, Lere Olayinka, Governor Fayose said Nigeria was experiencing the worst form of nepotism in the history of government in the country, stressing, “nepotism is the reason our President discarded competent people in his party that should be running the government with him and opted for his relatives, friends, in-laws and very close associates.‎

“The only qualification to hold key positions in the Presidency is to know a certain nephew of the President or be a member of his family, that’s nepotism and what nepotism breeds is incompetence.

“The most influential person in the Presidency today is said to be one Mamman Daura, who is a nephew of the President. Personal Assistant to President Buhari is said to be the son of Mamman Daura while the State Chief of Protocol is said to be married to Mamman Daura’s daughter.‎

“It is also the height of nepotism that apart from just two, all security chiefs and heads of all the paramilitary agencies in Nigeria, as well as all the political-heads overseeing all the military and paramilitary arms and agencies are from the North of Nigeria,” the governor said.

He said President Buhari was obviously being tormented by fear of the unknown, which he described as the main reason people take to nepotism.

“As a leader, you don’t need to fear anything. But the moment a leader peeps into the future, realising that his lack of capacity could have consequential effects on him, such a leader will definitely resort to nepotism to protect himself.

“Also, the moment a government is unable to guarantee the existence of the people, it must resort to nepotism to protect itself and that is exactly what is being witnessed in Nigeria, especially with the lopsided appointments of security chiefs and key functionaries of the Federal Government,” he said.

While lamenting the parlous state of the country’s economy, Governor Fayose said; “Most of those people that aided the emergence of President Buhari must be having a rethink now, but it is too late!

“Interestingly, political affiliation has nothing to do with hunger, poverty and lack.

“Exchange rate was less than N200 to $1 when President Buhari took over power, as at today, it has gone beyond N400 to $1 and Naira is still undergoing a free fall. One bag of rice was less than N8, 000 as at May 2016, it is now N20, 000. Kerosene is now beyond the reach of the masses.

“Nigerians voted for change because the APC promised them solutions to the country’s problems, but all we hear every day from the APC Federal Government are complaints upon complaints as if Nigerians elected a government of complaints.

“Obviously, the APC government has failed Nigerians and the President has resorted to putting his immediate family members and close associates in key government positions to protect himself from the f‎ear of the unknown that has enveloped him.”

Federal Government Reacts To New Boko Haram Video Showing Chibok Girls

The Nigerian government has reacted to the trending video of the Chibok school girls kidnapped by Boko Haram sect two years ago.

The Minister of Information and Culture, Lai Mohammed, has reaffirmed the faith of Nigerians in the Federal Government’s capability to secure the release of the over 200 Chibok school girls abducted two years ago.

The appeal was necessitated by the release of a recent video of the abducted girls by Boko Haram members through a journalist, Ahmed Salkida who has been declared wanted.

Mr. Mohammed’s statement was issued on Sunday in Abuja by Segun Adeyemi, the Special Adviser to the Minister. The Nigerian government has admitted being in contact with the handlers of the innocent girls.

Some girls wearing headscarves, in the video, were seen behind a Boko Haram militant who demanded the release of fighters in return for freeing the girls. The militant also claimed that some of the girls have been killed in air strikes.

”We are on top of the situation. But we are being extremely careful because the situation has been compounded by the split in the leadership of Boko Haram,” the statment said.

“We are also being guided by the need to ensure the safety of the girls.

”Since this is not the first time we have been contacted over the issue, we want to be doubly sure that those we are in touch with are who they claim to be,” he said.

Mr. Mohammed expressed the hope that the latest development will signal the beginning of the end of the nightmare to which the girls, their families and indeed all Nigerians have been subjected since the unfortunate abduction.

Why Women Desire SEX More Often Than Men

Men talk and think a lot about sex, while women desire it more often.

Gone are the days when ‘demanding sex’ was considered exclusively a man’s forte. Today women demand sex greater than men. And they have no qualms about getting vocal about it.

“These days, i read funny comments from people- that stress on men begging for sex’ and women denying it. It sounds so funny to me.

1. It’s physically pleasurable.

Amongst all the other reasons to remain glued to sex:’, this is the most prominent one. Good sex:’ satisfies your physical urge, which is very normal for anyone to experience.“SEX’ is the most basic need of any person. And I am increasingly getting cases where women are complaining that men are unable to satisfy their physical needs.

2. Creates positive feelings about oneself.

Ideally, great sex,’ means you are enjoying the sexual act and participating equally. It makes you feel good about yourself, thus adding to your self esteem.

“sex’ has healing powers. It generates positive emotions and makes one feel more confident. When a woman sees her man passionate in the act, admiring her body and moves, it infuses a lot of good feelings within her.

3. Brings them closer to their man.

“I have always maintained that couples should never take sex,' casually. It’s a very important ingredient for any relationship to sustain. It helps couples to nurture the relationship and strengthen the bond.” So whoever said having more sex,’ with your partner means lesser cases of infidelity, made sense.

4. Negates unwanted emotions/ Stress-reliever.

Sex, is not just a physical sensation but it’s comforting and relaxing. “Often times, whenever I have a bad day at work, Sex,’ really helps me unwind. It totally takes the stress out of my mind and makes me feel relaxed and rejuvenated.

“Sex:’ involves a lot of deep breathing and touching and the hormones that are released during the act calm you down.”

5. Great form of exercise.

Thirty minutes of SEX:’ burns more than 85 calories. We have read it almost everywhere that SEX:’ helps in burning calories.

6. Invokes passion.

“Sometimes I feel like a pervert, because I find myself always thinking about my girlfriend, and what we did the night we had sex. It gives me a kick and makes me crave for our next sack session. She thinks I am crazy, but it really happens to me.

“It is completely normal to fantasise about sex:’. But I have heard it can freak a guy out- we men are still adapting to the concept of women demanding sex:’ more than us. But we love that passion.