Tuesday 27 December 2016

How Kiss Daniel Escaped Death From Robbers' Flying Bullets @ The Calabar Christmas Village

Popular Nigerian musician and Woju crooner, Daniel Anidugbe, aka Kiss Daniel, on Monday escaped death while performing at the Calabar Christmas Village.

It was gathered that some robbers had stormed the village at about 1am and shot repeatedly into the air while dispossessing fun seekers of their belongings.

Several persons sustained various degrees of injuries from gun shots.

The Calabar Christmas Village, which is located at Calabar Municipal Council Secretariat, opens for 24 hours from December 1 to December 31 every year as a central location of revelry.

According to reports, while Kiss was on stage, the bandits came and carted away some of his belongings.

Speaking with Punch, an injured shop owner in the village, Glory Andem, said the presence of robbers became obvious when some spectators started throwing bottles at the musician.

She said, “It was a serious situation and I got injured. What happened was that some guys came into the village and tried to rob Kiss Daniel when he was singing, ‘Oya talk to me o mama.’

“They were throwing bottles and other things at him. Before we knew it, they brought out guns and started shooting. Some security men immediately rushed to the singer. But even with the security, the robbers rushed at him and removed his clothes and collected things from him.

“They would have killed that guy. To be honest, I don’t know how he managed to escape. You know there are several thousands of people in the Christmas village usually and the situation led to a serious pandemonium.

“They broke up everything in my shop. They took all my money. They robbed a lot of shops. Our chairs were broken. Everybody was running at the same time. It was a terrible experience.

“Several cars were vandalised. They broke the cars to steal from them. At a point, the lights went off and I thought I was going to die. As I speak with you, I have a serious cut from the incident and I want to go to a hospital to take a tetanus injections.”

Meanwhile, the state Commissioner of Police, Jimoh Ozi-Obeh, said it was not a robbery attack, but a misunderstanding between the organisers.

“There was no robbery incident in Calabar and nobody was attacked by robbers in any other part of Cross River State.

“What happened was that the government had initially planned to host the musician at the stadium, but the plan was changed to the Calabar Christmas Village. They probably had misunderstanding with the organisers”, he said

Monday 26 December 2016


Just thinking about the topic makes me laugh because it just shows how deliberately delusional anyone that makes such a statement is. It shows how backward-thinking that person is, because in this global age where many people are looking for ‘the way forward’, such a person is always on the lookout for seeming characteristics and reasons why being with a person from a particular ethnic group is never going to happen. You know, people sometimes say things that make you want to doubt their sanity. Over time, certain snide comments have been made so often that today in Nigeria, such comments are somewhat accepted and ‘set in stone’.

For the females: Yoruba girls are dirty; Edo girls are prostitutes and witches; Ibo girls are materialistic; Kogi girls are troublemakers; Ijaw women like parties and ‘enjoyment’; Itshekiri women like ‘Oyibo’; Calabar girls are good in bed; Tiv girls are sexually wayward plus they drink heavily; Isoko girls are stingy; Urhobo girls drink a lot. And for the guys, Yoruba guys are caring plus they scare easily; Hausa men are uncircumcised; Urhobo men are polygamous; Ibo guys can really take care of their women (only if she’s Ibo too); Isoko men are stingy; Tiv men will gladly give their women up as entertainment to their friend; Kogi men are touts; Ijaw men are flirts; Ibo guys can do anything for money… bla bla bla would you stop already??

Are tribal stereotypes 100% accurate? Or maybe 80%, 50%, 20%? Does your ethnic origin dictate your personality? For example if Ijaw men are flirts, automatically all the male flirts in this country are Ijaw men, right? Do you grow up to discover that your tribe is known for a particular trait and you naturally find yourself exhibiting that trait, or if you don’t have it yet, you make sure it becomes part of you? Is it also sometimes an excuse to behave abnormally? For example they say an Ibo man can do anything for money, so this young man goes to scary extremes just to get money and he says, “you know my people love money, so it’s not my fault”.

Personally I don’t care that a person is from a particular ethnic group before I become friends or even have a relationship with them. I deal more with personal qualities rather than tribal sentiments. The world is full of beautiful varieties, different cultures waiting to be educated about than for me to weigh myself down with some myopic so-called ‘ethnic traits’. That’s me, so what about you? Do you consider the said traits of a person’s tribe before you consider even saying, ‘hello’ how much more dating? Or maybe you have a list of tribes you would NEVER consider marrying from, regardless of whether the person is a good person or not. If you do, just take a second to think how you would feel if someone you really, really like tells you ‘NO!” because you belong to a certain ethnic group they already decided they want nothing to do with.

Cha Cha Eke & Husband Welcome Newly Born Baby Girl On Christmas Day

Nollywood actress, Cha Cha Eke Faani who recently released photos of her baby bump has just welcomed her second child= a baby girl, on December, 25, 2016.

Eke’s husband announced the news on Instagram. He wrote; “•25/12/2016•
Our Christmas Princess is here!!!
Welcome to my home Kairarachukwu Dior Faani.
My wife, your mother, is my JEWEL of INESTIMABLE VALUE
Kamara, my 1st daughter, your sister, is my PRICELESS GEM & CHARM
You, my Kaira, you are GOLDEN!!! Thank you Lord for blessing me with 3 Beautiful Ladies to love me unconditionally for the rest of my life.
Thank you Lord for safe delivery.
Mommy & baby are doing very well.

Sunday 25 December 2016

Girls and Their Attitude In A Relationship

I notice that SOME girls don't seem to really know what they want and what bothers them at-times. A girl can't help but contravene herself in many ways. One minute she wants this, if you give her this, she wants that and the circle continues.

* A Couples in a relationship. If the guy gets jealous easily the girl says he is immature and insecure,why get jealous when there should be TRUST,and so it becomes a problem.

* If you don't get jealous easily, the girl says you don't love her enough to protect her from other men. She says you don't take her serious and in most cases accuse you (the guy) of making her the side chick since you don't care if he flirts with other men or not.

* She ask you if she looks good in that new dress and you say "yes", it becomes a problem. She says you might be lying and you are not sincere,that you might just be saying so to impress her and so the arguments starts.

* If you say she doesn't look good in that new dress,it becomes a bigger problem.You just hurt her feelings,She says you are a jerk for not complimenting her,she did all that/this(buying the new dress and trying to look good)for you but this is what she gets in return,resulting to more arguments.

* If you say you love her,she says you don't mean it,you might just be saying it to please her.She ask you to say it like you mean it(Like what?).I mean,how do you say "i love you" like you mean it? Shed a tear? go down on your knees? while saying it...Or in the case when its on an online chat,you type it out in uppercases?

* If you don't say you love her, you are in for a Boko haram type of trouble. You are bombarded with a truck load of nagging. She says you are not a bit romantic, you don't express your feelings to her and so on...In some cases, she commands or challenges you to say you love her(This mostly happens at the end of phone conversations)

* If you check up on her or call her up often to enquire how she's doing, it slowly becomes a problem,she says you don't have a life and you are too attached,you are stalking her and you should learn to give her space.

* If you don't check up on her often,it becomes a problem of "you are not caring", "you don't call", "you don't take me seriously" and so on...

9* This point is actually surprising and confusing to even me, but some people would understand what i mean sha. If you are glued to only her, it becomes a problem(confusing right?) Lemme make it clear, if other girls are not attracted to you it becomes a problem for her ego and complex, she take it that there is nothing special about you for other girls to want, you are not attractive as far as you can't attract other girls. She basically want other girls to be envious of her for having you but if not, she gradually becomes tired of you and maybe dump your azz for a more ladies man(can you imagine?).In a nutshell, she wants you to cheat but don't want you to cheat? Lol.

* If girls flock around you, it becomes another problem. She says you are a playboy, a cheat, a flirt. She says you are not a boyfriend material, you can break her heart easily and all that.It gradually becomes a NAGGING problem for you... irrespective of the fact that those girls might just be your friends.

Guys,what would it take to understand these sets of people? To make it worst, we can't do without them, we love them like that.......