Monday 28 November 2016

Common Character Nigerian Youths Of These Days Display

A Nigerian Wakes up in the morning by 7am, goes directly into the kitchen, gets food and eat. His phone's battery is off. He'll pick up his charger and leave home in the search of power to charge his phone. He'll enter all the barbing saloons, Even while charging he's on the phone, Chatting! Chatting! Chatting! When the phone manages to reach 30% after 2hrs of charging and usage, he hangs the charger on his neck with great joy going back home. Without removing his shoes or slippers he cruises into the living room, doing what? Chatting! Hmmm, the phone gets low again, he leaves home again to another barbing saloon, he comes back in the night around 9pm, uses the charged battery till 2am, and this is their daily routine of living and him or her wants to be a doctor.

Indeed Many youths are captives of technology, all they do is charge and discharge, Charge and discharge, charge and discharge, Going around with charger!!!!

Some young people believe without their phones they'll die, some feel like dying ( I was once in dis shoe). Not just the male folk alone, it cuts across both gender. Some of our ladies can stay on phone

for hours chatting away their lives. It is difficult for some to put off their phone even in class or church because of some "international call" & some even get embarrassed in class by lecturers when their phone rings. It leaves one wondering what they would have done if they lived before the 21st century.

When they have a low battery, some can go to a church, even a funeral just to charge their phone!!! You want to be a doctor for example, Its true you've not gained admission, or perhaps you have gained, or you are already a graduate waiting to start-off. Can't you start reading medical related books or start practicing what you have learned? You're chatting with your friend from a barbing saloon where you're charging your phone and he's replying from his office in Shell.

Bro/Sis, this one no be your village people charm oh! You're the devil to yourself.

Please dear friend, understand that what you spend your time doing is what you become. Nobody gets food on his table because he's a great "chatter". LoL. Drop that phone, Think of your future oh. Because you're 18, you think you're still a kid or perhaps you've grown beyond that & you think that there's still time because your parents are still around? That 60 year old man that hawks pure water on your street did what your doing now, many years ago. It pays nothing.

Start developing yourself in there.


God help our Youths!!!.

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