Tuesday 27 December 2016

How Kiss Daniel Escaped Death From Robbers' Flying Bullets @ The Calabar Christmas Village

Popular Nigerian musician and Woju crooner, Daniel Anidugbe, aka Kiss Daniel, on Monday escaped death while performing at the Calabar Christmas Village.

It was gathered that some robbers had stormed the village at about 1am and shot repeatedly into the air while dispossessing fun seekers of their belongings.

Several persons sustained various degrees of injuries from gun shots.

The Calabar Christmas Village, which is located at Calabar Municipal Council Secretariat, opens for 24 hours from December 1 to December 31 every year as a central location of revelry.

According to reports, while Kiss was on stage, the bandits came and carted away some of his belongings.

Speaking with Punch, an injured shop owner in the village, Glory Andem, said the presence of robbers became obvious when some spectators started throwing bottles at the musician.

She said, “It was a serious situation and I got injured. What happened was that some guys came into the village and tried to rob Kiss Daniel when he was singing, ‘Oya talk to me o mama.’

“They were throwing bottles and other things at him. Before we knew it, they brought out guns and started shooting. Some security men immediately rushed to the singer. But even with the security, the robbers rushed at him and removed his clothes and collected things from him.

“They would have killed that guy. To be honest, I don’t know how he managed to escape. You know there are several thousands of people in the Christmas village usually and the situation led to a serious pandemonium.

“They broke up everything in my shop. They took all my money. They robbed a lot of shops. Our chairs were broken. Everybody was running at the same time. It was a terrible experience.

“Several cars were vandalised. They broke the cars to steal from them. At a point, the lights went off and I thought I was going to die. As I speak with you, I have a serious cut from the incident and I want to go to a hospital to take a tetanus injections.”

Meanwhile, the state Commissioner of Police, Jimoh Ozi-Obeh, said it was not a robbery attack, but a misunderstanding between the organisers.

“There was no robbery incident in Calabar and nobody was attacked by robbers in any other part of Cross River State.

“What happened was that the government had initially planned to host the musician at the stadium, but the plan was changed to the Calabar Christmas Village. They probably had misunderstanding with the organisers”, he said

Monday 26 December 2016


Just thinking about the topic makes me laugh because it just shows how deliberately delusional anyone that makes such a statement is. It shows how backward-thinking that person is, because in this global age where many people are looking for ‘the way forward’, such a person is always on the lookout for seeming characteristics and reasons why being with a person from a particular ethnic group is never going to happen. You know, people sometimes say things that make you want to doubt their sanity. Over time, certain snide comments have been made so often that today in Nigeria, such comments are somewhat accepted and ‘set in stone’.

For the females: Yoruba girls are dirty; Edo girls are prostitutes and witches; Ibo girls are materialistic; Kogi girls are troublemakers; Ijaw women like parties and ‘enjoyment’; Itshekiri women like ‘Oyibo’; Calabar girls are good in bed; Tiv girls are sexually wayward plus they drink heavily; Isoko girls are stingy; Urhobo girls drink a lot. And for the guys, Yoruba guys are caring plus they scare easily; Hausa men are uncircumcised; Urhobo men are polygamous; Ibo guys can really take care of their women (only if she’s Ibo too); Isoko men are stingy; Tiv men will gladly give their women up as entertainment to their friend; Kogi men are touts; Ijaw men are flirts; Ibo guys can do anything for money… bla bla bla would you stop already??

Are tribal stereotypes 100% accurate? Or maybe 80%, 50%, 20%? Does your ethnic origin dictate your personality? For example if Ijaw men are flirts, automatically all the male flirts in this country are Ijaw men, right? Do you grow up to discover that your tribe is known for a particular trait and you naturally find yourself exhibiting that trait, or if you don’t have it yet, you make sure it becomes part of you? Is it also sometimes an excuse to behave abnormally? For example they say an Ibo man can do anything for money, so this young man goes to scary extremes just to get money and he says, “you know my people love money, so it’s not my fault”.

Personally I don’t care that a person is from a particular ethnic group before I become friends or even have a relationship with them. I deal more with personal qualities rather than tribal sentiments. The world is full of beautiful varieties, different cultures waiting to be educated about than for me to weigh myself down with some myopic so-called ‘ethnic traits’. That’s me, so what about you? Do you consider the said traits of a person’s tribe before you consider even saying, ‘hello’ how much more dating? Or maybe you have a list of tribes you would NEVER consider marrying from, regardless of whether the person is a good person or not. If you do, just take a second to think how you would feel if someone you really, really like tells you ‘NO!” because you belong to a certain ethnic group they already decided they want nothing to do with.

Cha Cha Eke & Husband Welcome Newly Born Baby Girl On Christmas Day

Nollywood actress, Cha Cha Eke Faani who recently released photos of her baby bump has just welcomed her second child= a baby girl, on December, 25, 2016.

Eke’s husband announced the news on Instagram. He wrote; “•25/12/2016•
Our Christmas Princess is here!!!
Welcome to my home Kairarachukwu Dior Faani.
My wife, your mother, is my JEWEL of INESTIMABLE VALUE
Kamara, my 1st daughter, your sister, is my PRICELESS GEM & CHARM
You, my Kaira, you are GOLDEN!!! Thank you Lord for blessing me with 3 Beautiful Ladies to love me unconditionally for the rest of my life.
Thank you Lord for safe delivery.
Mommy & baby are doing very well.

Sunday 25 December 2016

Girls and Their Attitude In A Relationship

I notice that SOME girls don't seem to really know what they want and what bothers them at-times. A girl can't help but contravene herself in many ways. One minute she wants this, if you give her this, she wants that and the circle continues.

* A Couples in a relationship. If the guy gets jealous easily the girl says he is immature and insecure,why get jealous when there should be TRUST,and so it becomes a problem.

* If you don't get jealous easily, the girl says you don't love her enough to protect her from other men. She says you don't take her serious and in most cases accuse you (the guy) of making her the side chick since you don't care if he flirts with other men or not.

* She ask you if she looks good in that new dress and you say "yes", it becomes a problem. She says you might be lying and you are not sincere,that you might just be saying so to impress her and so the arguments starts.

* If you say she doesn't look good in that new dress,it becomes a bigger problem.You just hurt her feelings,She says you are a jerk for not complimenting her,she did all that/this(buying the new dress and trying to look good)for you but this is what she gets in return,resulting to more arguments.

* If you say you love her,she says you don't mean it,you might just be saying it to please her.She ask you to say it like you mean it(Like what?).I mean,how do you say "i love you" like you mean it? Shed a tear? go down on your knees? while saying it...Or in the case when its on an online chat,you type it out in uppercases?

* If you don't say you love her, you are in for a Boko haram type of trouble. You are bombarded with a truck load of nagging. She says you are not a bit romantic, you don't express your feelings to her and so on...In some cases, she commands or challenges you to say you love her(This mostly happens at the end of phone conversations)

* If you check up on her or call her up often to enquire how she's doing, it slowly becomes a problem,she says you don't have a life and you are too attached,you are stalking her and you should learn to give her space.

* If you don't check up on her often,it becomes a problem of "you are not caring", "you don't call", "you don't take me seriously" and so on...

9* This point is actually surprising and confusing to even me, but some people would understand what i mean sha. If you are glued to only her, it becomes a problem(confusing right?) Lemme make it clear, if other girls are not attracted to you it becomes a problem for her ego and complex, she take it that there is nothing special about you for other girls to want, you are not attractive as far as you can't attract other girls. She basically want other girls to be envious of her for having you but if not, she gradually becomes tired of you and maybe dump your azz for a more ladies man(can you imagine?).In a nutshell, she wants you to cheat but don't want you to cheat? Lol.

* If girls flock around you, it becomes another problem. She says you are a playboy, a cheat, a flirt. She says you are not a boyfriend material, you can break her heart easily and all that.It gradually becomes a NAGGING problem for you... irrespective of the fact that those girls might just be your friends.

Guys,what would it take to understand these sets of people? To make it worst, we can't do without them, we love them like that.......

Monday 28 November 2016

Common Character Nigerian Youths Of These Days Display

A Nigerian Wakes up in the morning by 7am, goes directly into the kitchen, gets food and eat. His phone's battery is off. He'll pick up his charger and leave home in the search of power to charge his phone. He'll enter all the barbing saloons, Even while charging he's on the phone, Chatting! Chatting! Chatting! When the phone manages to reach 30% after 2hrs of charging and usage, he hangs the charger on his neck with great joy going back home. Without removing his shoes or slippers he cruises into the living room, doing what? Chatting! Hmmm, the phone gets low again, he leaves home again to another barbing saloon, he comes back in the night around 9pm, uses the charged battery till 2am, and this is their daily routine of living and him or her wants to be a doctor.

Indeed Many youths are captives of technology, all they do is charge and discharge, Charge and discharge, charge and discharge, Going around with charger!!!!

Some young people believe without their phones they'll die, some feel like dying ( I was once in dis shoe). Not just the male folk alone, it cuts across both gender. Some of our ladies can stay on phone

for hours chatting away their lives. It is difficult for some to put off their phone even in class or church because of some "international call" & some even get embarrassed in class by lecturers when their phone rings. It leaves one wondering what they would have done if they lived before the 21st century.

When they have a low battery, some can go to a church, even a funeral just to charge their phone!!! You want to be a doctor for example, Its true you've not gained admission, or perhaps you have gained, or you are already a graduate waiting to start-off. Can't you start reading medical related books or start practicing what you have learned? You're chatting with your friend from a barbing saloon where you're charging your phone and he's replying from his office in Shell.

Bro/Sis, this one no be your village people charm oh! You're the devil to yourself.

Please dear friend, understand that what you spend your time doing is what you become. Nobody gets food on his table because he's a great "chatter". LoL. Drop that phone, Think of your future oh. Because you're 18, you think you're still a kid or perhaps you've grown beyond that & you think that there's still time because your parents are still around? That 60 year old man that hawks pure water on your street did what your doing now, many years ago. It pays nothing.

Start developing yourself in there.


God help our Youths!!!.

Saturday 8 October 2016


I have noticed amongst married women both in Nigeria and beyond over what I call a 'deliberate shift of attention, love and affection they hitherto gave to their husbands to their children'. Many women have this nonchalant attitude not to show love to their husbands any more after collecting the sacred nuptial ring. They contend that after all, they are now married, forgetting unwittingly that it is easier to get married than to stay married! Men are creatures of love, forget all the hard nature pretences of manly strength and masculinist ostentation, they seek care, affection, pampering and peace just like women If not more than them. A Man can be overtly jealous but he is more won't to show it than a woman readily would. When women create an emotional void, a shift of care to their kids and a gaping hole of disaffection, most men readily seek love in the arms of other women; mistresses, secretaries, 'friends' and allies. Women later cry foul and say men are cheats. They caused it in the first place. Some women's total dedication two years into their marriage is to their kid(s) especially their male child. Once, their 'joy' eats, they care less. So long he wears cloths, they can't be bothered about their husbands. In all of this, I just wonder who they met first, the child or their husband. Most men will also not complain much about this unacceptable domestic discrimination because of ego, maturity and the fact that the new 'husband' is also their son. They hug their pains and look outside for a back up. It is totally shocking that some women refuse to perform their sexual obligation because of their children. They place their 'sick' kid(s) between them and their husbands to flag the red light and dress like an astronaut to bed to send a signal of 'no signal tonight' to their husbands. It is immaterial whether they have nannies, maids or their mother-in-laws around to attend to the baby. They prefer to make the baby a tool and toy for sexual rejection. Why you should not make your kid your husband. 
1. Your child is not your husband but just your child. Know the difference. You met your husband before him or her. The head came before the ache and boil. Don't desert your first love for the new one. 
2. Too much closeness and attachment with your son will bring enmity between you and your daughter-in-law in the nearest future. Stop doting over her husband, you have yours! 
3. Your sons and daughters will leave you sooner than later! They have their own lives to live. They will marry and cleave to their spouses. If you have created so much distance between you and your husband because of your love for your children, it will be very difficult If not impossible to stage a comeback into his heart.
 4. Children are to be catered for, parents are to be respected, husbands are to be loved and submitted to, in everything. Know your role. You have lost your right to dictate your 'bed mood' once you say 'I do' to a man. He should have access to you. A man should also be considerate and not make killing, burdening sexual demands. Remember, a hungry woman is never in the mood, make a woman happy financially and emotionally and you will cure her 'mood swings'. 
5. No one can serve two masters! You cannot afford to share your affection equally between your husband and your son or daughter. One party will suffer it even If you don't admit it. Be a 'Ruth' and see the best in your husband. Sow love and reap fidelity, affection and peace. 
It shall be well with your marriages.

Monday 15 August 2016

Listen Guys, This is how to know if you are dating a fake GIRL.

Every man needs to read this piece to free himself from that fake girlfriend trying to ruin his life. If possible, tell your friends. Here are simple ways to identify a fake girlfriend.

1. A fake girlfriend will never call her guy for a minute, but continuous flashing is her hobby.
Yes, most Nigerian girls are guilty of this. A man will buy airtime for you, yet she will not call but only flashes him.

2. A fake girlfriend will never appreciate what her guy does for her.
If your girlfriend never appreciates you for the sacrifices or things you do out of love, my brother, you are very much on your own. A fake girlfriend will milk you dry and unconsciously not care.

3. A fake girlfriend will always complain on unnecessary things that has no meaning.
Yes, you read right. Fake girlfriends always nag you to hell. She will complain all the time even on flimsy things. She will want to make life miserable for you. Avoid her.

4. A fake girlfriend always requests for money, she will turn her guy to ATM machine.
That's right. She doesn't want to know where you get it. All she wants is your money.

5. A fake girlfriend won’t listen to her guy’s advice.
Never! She's always argumentative and will never listen to you. A true girlfriend listens and wants to hear from you all the time.

6. A fake girlfriend won’t respect/honor her guy, All she does is to always look down on him.
She is sometime too proud or bossy and orders you around like a baby.

7. A fake girlfriend wont sit down with her guy and talk to him how the relationship will lead to marriage.Yes! She's always busy on the phone chatting with other guys or receiving calls and will not care where the relationship is heading. At every little quarrel, she will threaten to end the relationship.

8. A fake girlfriend won’t ask her guy the challenges he is facing at his work.

9. A Fake girlfriend always lie to her guy.

10. A Fake Girlfriend will cheat on her guy in the end

Vital Things Every Girl Observes In A Guy.

Let us have a look at some of the basic things a girl will look for in a guy whenever they see him. these are common factors that can disqualify dangote and qualify me !!! They are as follows:

1. Whether the guy is hot: The very first thing that every girl actually notices in a guy is how much hot the guy is. When you ask any girl, they can never ever deny this fact.

2. The way of his dressing: Without any doubt, this is the next thing that each and every girl will definitely notice. They will observe you and will be eager to understand the way of your dressing

3. Manners: This is one of the things that every girl notices in a guy. She observes the manners that the guy possesses. Sober and nice manners will obviously attract more and more girls towards a guy.

4. Grooming: Well, the most interesting fact is that women are generally more attracted to a well groomed guy rather than a shabby guy. And this is one of the things that every woman notices in a guy she comes across.

5. Confidence: It is the confidence level in a guy that strongly attracts a woman just like a magnet does. One of the most attractive characteristics of a man is his confidence level.

6. His company: This is another thing that a girl will observe when she sees a man. If he is with a girl, they will think he is taken and if he is with a group he is really social

7. How A Guy smells: Many factors may qualify you but this factor will surely cripple you when you smell bad. use your roll on, body spray and have a perfume that smells nice. 

8. Personal hygiene: Hygiene is the most important fact that actually is a major factor that every girl will watch out for. always have your teeth thoroughly brushed.

9. Footwear: The girls generally also observe the type of footwear the guy wears. After all, your shoe will say a lot. A shabby footwear will definitely have a very bad impression on the ladies.

10. How good you listen: Every girl actually notices how good a listener her guy is. All girls actually want their men to listen to them properly and not just hear what they say. my fiancee is a kind of person that takes 30 minutes to deliver 2minutes gist . even when it is not interesting bro na listening i dey oh . Often those gist are just too important to ladies no matter how irrelevant they may seem to you

11. Frequency of smile: Girls generally also look out to observe how often the guy smiles. Smile is a good indication of the personality of the guy.

12. The Guy’s Pocket: a lot of people opened this thread to see this at number 1, the post is not in serial order or according to first observed so calm down . ladies add much relevance to the state of a guy’s pocket. bro if you drive benz and i drive ferrari she is willing to upgrade because ferrari provides more comfort. so hustle harder bro. ladies abi i lie?

“Nigeria Is In The Hands Of Wrong Managers Who Do Not Know What To Do” – Fayose To Buhari

Ekiti State Governor, Mr Ayodele Fayose has said that Nigerians were suffering under the All Progressives Congress (APC) government of President Muhammadu Buhari because “the country is in the hands of wrong managers who do not know what to do are not r‎eady to be assisted.”

The governor said “presently, Nigerians are suffering; they are hungry and angry because the APC federal government has ran the country aground,” adding that; “Nigeria has gone beyond recession, the economy has collapsed completely and painfully, those who should revive the economy do not have any clue as to what to do.”

In a statement issued in Ado-Ekiti on Sunday, by his Special Assistant on Public Communications and New Media, Lere Olayinka, Governor Fayose said Nigeria was experiencing the worst form of nepotism in the history of government in the country, stressing, “nepotism is the reason our President discarded competent people in his party that should be running the government with him and opted for his relatives, friends, in-laws and very close associates.‎

“The only qualification to hold key positions in the Presidency is to know a certain nephew of the President or be a member of his family, that’s nepotism and what nepotism breeds is incompetence.

“The most influential person in the Presidency today is said to be one Mamman Daura, who is a nephew of the President. Personal Assistant to President Buhari is said to be the son of Mamman Daura while the State Chief of Protocol is said to be married to Mamman Daura’s daughter.‎

“It is also the height of nepotism that apart from just two, all security chiefs and heads of all the paramilitary agencies in Nigeria, as well as all the political-heads overseeing all the military and paramilitary arms and agencies are from the North of Nigeria,” the governor said.

He said President Buhari was obviously being tormented by fear of the unknown, which he described as the main reason people take to nepotism.

“As a leader, you don’t need to fear anything. But the moment a leader peeps into the future, realising that his lack of capacity could have consequential effects on him, such a leader will definitely resort to nepotism to protect himself.

“Also, the moment a government is unable to guarantee the existence of the people, it must resort to nepotism to protect itself and that is exactly what is being witnessed in Nigeria, especially with the lopsided appointments of security chiefs and key functionaries of the Federal Government,” he said.

While lamenting the parlous state of the country’s economy, Governor Fayose said; “Most of those people that aided the emergence of President Buhari must be having a rethink now, but it is too late!

“Interestingly, political affiliation has nothing to do with hunger, poverty and lack.

“Exchange rate was less than N200 to $1 when President Buhari took over power, as at today, it has gone beyond N400 to $1 and Naira is still undergoing a free fall. One bag of rice was less than N8, 000 as at May 2016, it is now N20, 000. Kerosene is now beyond the reach of the masses.

“Nigerians voted for change because the APC promised them solutions to the country’s problems, but all we hear every day from the APC Federal Government are complaints upon complaints as if Nigerians elected a government of complaints.

“Obviously, the APC government has failed Nigerians and the President has resorted to putting his immediate family members and close associates in key government positions to protect himself from the f‎ear of the unknown that has enveloped him.”

Federal Government Reacts To New Boko Haram Video Showing Chibok Girls

The Nigerian government has reacted to the trending video of the Chibok school girls kidnapped by Boko Haram sect two years ago.

The Minister of Information and Culture, Lai Mohammed, has reaffirmed the faith of Nigerians in the Federal Government’s capability to secure the release of the over 200 Chibok school girls abducted two years ago.

The appeal was necessitated by the release of a recent video of the abducted girls by Boko Haram members through a journalist, Ahmed Salkida who has been declared wanted.

Mr. Mohammed’s statement was issued on Sunday in Abuja by Segun Adeyemi, the Special Adviser to the Minister. The Nigerian government has admitted being in contact with the handlers of the innocent girls.

Some girls wearing headscarves, in the video, were seen behind a Boko Haram militant who demanded the release of fighters in return for freeing the girls. The militant also claimed that some of the girls have been killed in air strikes.

”We are on top of the situation. But we are being extremely careful because the situation has been compounded by the split in the leadership of Boko Haram,” the statment said.

“We are also being guided by the need to ensure the safety of the girls.

”Since this is not the first time we have been contacted over the issue, we want to be doubly sure that those we are in touch with are who they claim to be,” he said.

Mr. Mohammed expressed the hope that the latest development will signal the beginning of the end of the nightmare to which the girls, their families and indeed all Nigerians have been subjected since the unfortunate abduction.

Why Women Desire SEX More Often Than Men

Men talk and think a lot about sex, while women desire it more often.

Gone are the days when ‘demanding sex’ was considered exclusively a man’s forte. Today women demand sex greater than men. And they have no qualms about getting vocal about it.

“These days, i read funny comments from people- that stress on men begging for sex’ and women denying it. It sounds so funny to me.

1. It’s physically pleasurable.

Amongst all the other reasons to remain glued to sex:’, this is the most prominent one. Good sex:’ satisfies your physical urge, which is very normal for anyone to experience.“SEX’ is the most basic need of any person. And I am increasingly getting cases where women are complaining that men are unable to satisfy their physical needs.

2. Creates positive feelings about oneself.

Ideally, great sex,’ means you are enjoying the sexual act and participating equally. It makes you feel good about yourself, thus adding to your self esteem.

“sex’ has healing powers. It generates positive emotions and makes one feel more confident. When a woman sees her man passionate in the act, admiring her body and moves, it infuses a lot of good feelings within her.

3. Brings them closer to their man.

“I have always maintained that couples should never take sex,' casually. It’s a very important ingredient for any relationship to sustain. It helps couples to nurture the relationship and strengthen the bond.” So whoever said having more sex,’ with your partner means lesser cases of infidelity, made sense.

4. Negates unwanted emotions/ Stress-reliever.

Sex, is not just a physical sensation but it’s comforting and relaxing. “Often times, whenever I have a bad day at work, Sex,’ really helps me unwind. It totally takes the stress out of my mind and makes me feel relaxed and rejuvenated.

“Sex:’ involves a lot of deep breathing and touching and the hormones that are released during the act calm you down.”

5. Great form of exercise.

Thirty minutes of SEX:’ burns more than 85 calories. We have read it almost everywhere that SEX:’ helps in burning calories.

6. Invokes passion.

“Sometimes I feel like a pervert, because I find myself always thinking about my girlfriend, and what we did the night we had sex. It gives me a kick and makes me crave for our next sack session. She thinks I am crazy, but it really happens to me.

“It is completely normal to fantasise about sex:’. But I have heard it can freak a guy out- we men are still adapting to the concept of women demanding sex:’ more than us. But we love that passion.

Thursday 28 July 2016

I Will Have Sex Before Marriage To Know If My Man Can Satisfy Me

In a recent interview with Genevieve mag, actress Beverly Naya revealed the kind of men she would date, what put her off in a man and her take on premarital s*x.

On her kind of man the Beverly said:
“I can’t stand potbellies and beyond the physical, someone who doesn’t know how to treat me like a lady. I have a fear of settling down with the wrong guy and I won’t deny it and that’s probably why I haven’t found that ideal guy yet. I know he will come.

I am very ambitious and I know where I am going so anyone I am going to marry has to be successful in some way so that when we do get married. I am not the one doing everything.”

The actress also talked about s*x, saying: “I understand s*x before marriage. You don’t want to end up with someone who gives you bad s*x. I can respect a guy’s decision to abstain, but why? I get it for religious reasons. Ideally, I would love to abstain but I don’t want to be in a situation where the guy is impotent or can’t please me. I will resent him.”

Wednesday 20 July 2016


Yes, I said it and I'll say it again, It is none of your business! Have you ever been downcast or felt lowly about yourself because of people's opinion about you? Do you crave, reckon or become bothered about what people say or do not say about you? Do you live on people's assessment or depend on others' approval of you? friends, it is none of your business! People will always talk as long as they have a mouth and you will always hear (from rumours to pure fabrication to distorted lies to fiction to untruth) so long as you have ears! When people still discuss the dead, how much more the living? The truth is that people's perspective, opinion, views and ideologies are greatly influenced by their background, culture and belief, so, don't let it affect you. I remember what a friend's Grandmother who came to visit him in Kogi State (Lokoja) said: "I don't think I want to come back to this city, its not fine, there are too many 'uncompleted' buildings! None of the houses are painted! Why don't you people 'complete' (finish building) your houses?". Every house in Kogi is built with granite (like in many parts of Nigeria and the western world) and as such requires no painting, but because the Mama was used to painted brick houses in Port Harcourt, she felt they were 'uncompleted' buildings! That is the power of perspective! This is the reason why someone will tell you you look slim, sickly, 'unfed' and emaciated like a weak skipping rope in the morning only for another to say that you have added weight like an inflated tyre or look obese like a drunk toad in the afternoon! The same you! You are seen by people who are used to fat people as slim whilst slender people will consider you 'fat' If you are fatter than them or If they are used to being with fat people! Do not reckon with people's views, they are almost always tainted! Rely on God's verdict, chew praises, don't swallow them, sieve counsel, don't embrace them all, smile at criticisms; don't let them weigh you down. You are unique! You are beautiful in the eyes of those that love you! You will always be ugly in the estimation of your detractors as the horse of the enemy is always black and weak! You are truly exceptional! No one can know you more than you and your maker! You are under construction, let no man mock you! Let no one make you feel bad about yourself! In any case, what people say is none of your business! Keep on succeeding. Charles celebrates you!

Monday 18 July 2016

When It Comes To Dating, Age Doesn’t Matter.

Dating is hard enough as it is.

First, we need to find someone who we are attracted to and can stand to be around. Then, we need to hope they are attracted to us and can stand to be around us. Then, one of you needs to work up the courage to ask the other out. Then, it needs to go smoothly; and so on, and so forth.

Dating is hard enough as it is. But when you factor in the “unspoken rules” of dating — particularly with age — it only makes things more difficult.

If a girl dates a guy significantly older than her, she’s either: (a) a gold digger; (b) has daddy issues; or (c) both. If she dates a guy younger than her — by any number of years — she’s a cradle-robber. If a guy dates a girl older than him, it looks weird. If a guy dates a girl significantly younger than him, he’s either: (a) a creep, if he’s young (21-30); (b) using her for sex, if he’s older (40-50); or (c) wants a trophy wife, if he’s really old (60-plus).

I’ve had everyone from friends, to my parents, to family members and everyone in between tell me what “my range” for dating is. At some point this year — maybe around January — I made the conscious decision to, frankly, not give a damn what other people said.

I’ve always believed that as long as you two are good with one another, age shouldn’t matter (I mean, keep it legal, but you know what I’m saying). I’ve dated girls of many different ages, at least for this point in my life — three years younger, two years younger, same age, six years older.

I think age is vastly underrated. Please, give me a college freshman that has direction in her life, a good head on her shoulders and brings something to the table over a 20-something whose only concern is still acting like life is a giant party.

Maybe it’s odd, maybe it’s not, but I never really ask a girl’s age anymore; I just go along with the conversation and determine from there if I would want to see her again. If we get along great and then she mentions in passing that she is 19, am I supposed to be like, “Oh, I didn’t know that. Well, this was fun. Have a good one.” The same if she mentions that she is 32. Is that supposed to spook me into running away?

I get that a significant age gap means that you will likely be at different points in your life, but — I feel — it’s worth it to at least explore the possibility. Maybe neither of you want kids; maybe you’re both ready somewhat soon; maybe neither of you want to get married; etc. You’ll never know unless you give it a shot.

I’m honestly sick and tired of seeing a girl and saying to a friend, “She’s cute,” and the response being, “Dude, she looks like she’s 16.” If she’s 23, what does that matter? I’m 28 and still get asked if I’m with the school newspaper when I cover sporting events for local high schools.

Because someone thinks another person looks young, that means you’re not even supposed to approach him or her? It’s ass-backwards logic and it makes no sense to me

Dating is hard enough as it is. Even with online dating, speed dating, blind dating, mixers, etc., it’s still very hard to find someone you are willing to sacrifice your time for. The stigma of the age gap is just another way of making things more difficult.

Dating is hard enough as it is, so stop making it harder.

Friday 15 July 2016


I think couples need to realize that people change over time. The person you married is not going to be the same person five years later. Peoples thoughts, ideals, goals, and appearances change over time, and there are some of us who cannot accept those changes in their mates. They feel that this is not the person I fell in love with. This may be true, but in time you could learn to understand and come to fall in love all over again with the new person you are living with. Relationships go through stages because life throws you so many curves, and those curves cause people to change their perception of life and relationships.

Sometimes you can't control the changes that take place. In any case, you still have to remember that you made a commitment to that other person, and you owe it to them to work on making your relationship work.

Younger couples today don't honor the commitments they make. It's easy for them to walk away and look for something younger, prettier or richer. The problem is you will still find yourself in the same situation with someone else if you don't learn how to maintain a long lasting relationship.

Money also seems to be high on the list of reasons couples don't make it. In a long term relationship there will be times that finances are great and times when finances are low, but always remember that you love each other through the good and the bad. No matter what life throws at you, together you can make it through anything. When times are hardest is when the strength of your relationship will surface. You will either band together and work as a team or like some couples, you will argue, blame and have resentment towards one another. The latter is why a lot of couples don't make it.

Last but not least, you have to make time for each other. Take weekend getaways, go on dinner dates, take long walks together, go for a massage together or just watch a movie together. Spending quality time together is key for having a relationship that lasts. These times you spend together allows you time to communicate with each other when you are both relaxed, which will allow for a more productive conversation to work out your disagreements.

Relationships don't last anymore because people are not willing to sacrifice a part of themselves for someone else, and they don't want to put in the work that is necessary to have a lifelong friend, lover and companion.

What Do Women Want From Men In A Relationship.

It’s not easy to please a woman. Or that’s what many men who have lost in love think. Pleasing a woman isn't just about catering to her whims. In reality, understanding what women want from men is all about realizing what it takes to be a good man and even better company. If you can understand what it takes to become a better man, you’d surely understand what women want in a perfect man. But for starters, here is a list of simple things that can make your woman feel like she’s hit the jackpot on you.

What do women want from men? 
It all comes down to simple things, really.
But it’s always the simple things that are the hardest, isn't it, especially when you don’t realize the importance of the little things that really matter.

A man who can woo her often
Remember the first few weeks of love where you tried everything you could think of to impress your woman?

It’s a little thought that’s almost always forgotten by men once they get into a serious relationship.

While the first flush of excited love may flicker out for men, it never does for women. Women like to be treated with love and affection.

Look for ways to brighten her day, and always remember those special days that matter. When you look for ways to make your woman smile, you’ll inevitably find yourself smiling a lot too.

Women like being envied
If you can make your girlfriend or wife feel better than the other women around her, she’ll be grateful and will fall more in love with you every day. All of us base our own relationships on the relationships we see all around us. If others cheat, we assume we have to cheat too. If other boyfriends treat their girlfriends better, we assume we have to do it too.

But instead of waiting for someone else to get the best boyfriend title, take the lead. Surprise your woman with flowers at her workplace, plan special dinners and take off on little vacations. Make your woman feel like she’s having the best relationship in the world, and you’ll be just the man she would love to be with forever, even if there’s a lot of competition in the air.

A man who can appreciate her
You may constantly look for ways to please your woman. But if she doesn’t acknowledge your gestures, wouldn't you feel let down and annoyed? Women feel that too. Always appreciate your woman, even for the smallest of her gestures to please you. And remember, as much as the big things in love matter, it’s the little things that count. 

Be the man who makes her proud
Pride is a shallow trait, but it does have its benefits too. Women love a man who is successful in his own path. Are you proud of what you do every day? If you’re happy with your own life, your woman will be happy for you too. Be the man who is proud of his achievements, and your woman will definitely be proud of you. And when she’s proud of the person you are, she’ll only love you more.
A man who makes her feel lucky
Women want a man who can look good and dress well. Be the man your woman will be happy to show off to her friends and other guys who try to hit on her. When her friends envy her or comment on how charming you are, your woman can’t help but blush and realize how lucky she is to be with you.

A charmer who can make her laugh
Girls love a guy with a sense of humor. You don’t have to be a clown to impress your girl, but you do need to look at the happy side of everything now and then. A serious boyfriend may be great for family planning in the future but a fun guy is perfect all year around.
A man who’s loved by her family and friends
When you date a woman on a long term, her friends start to become your friends. And the same goes with family too. Do you take the effort to make her friends and family like you? Women want a man who can not only get along with her friends, but someone who can help her friends have a great time when he’s around.

A guy who knows what he wants
Women like a man who has found a purpose to his life. If you’re wondering what women want from men in a relationship, you really need to think about your own focus in life. Do you see where you’re heading and what you wish to do a few years down the lane? Be determined and ambitious, and your woman will share your dream and help you climb the mountains in your path.

A man who cares about his woman.
At the beginning of a new relationship, you may be exceptionally concerned about your girlfriend. Don’t stop that just because your relationship has passed the flirty start already. Women love men who care about them and pay attention to their needs and interests. Showing care and concern reassures your woman and lets her know that you still pay attention to her and her needs.

Women want a good listener
The art of listening is one of the delicate strings that hold a relationship together. When you don’t listen to your partner, both of you may end up straying or confiding to someone else outside the relationship. Be a good listener and pay attention to what she feels and says. There always has to be good communication in any successful relationship.

A man she can depend on
If your woman asks you for a favor, do you try your best to perform the favor to the best of your abilities? Most men don’t. They just find it easier to do a bad job so they can be excused from future errands. Don’t be that guy.

Be the man your woman can depend on. Learn to be trustworthy and dependable, it’s the easiest way to eliminate fear and helpless frustrations in romance.

Women love a guy who can get naughty.
Look for ways to make her laugh now and then. It doesn’t matter if it’s a naughty bedroom trick or a witty humorous prank. Women love seeing a fun side in a serious guy. It keeps the child in you alive, and it’ll definitely make her more excited to be with you.

A man who considers his woman an equal
Respect for each other is rather important in any relationship. Do you really respect your woman and think she’s just as capable as you? Both of you may not have the same qualities or talents, but as long as you respect your woman and truly understand that she’s just as good as you, and may even be better than you in more ways than one, you’ll learn to admire her and take her seriously. And women want that in a man they’re going to share their life with.

Thursday 14 July 2016

What Not To Do While Arguing / Fighting With Women

Women are sensitive and posses fragile emotional levels. What many men consider to be a joke may lead women to blasting expressions. Especially when they are angry or depressed, men need to be cautious to talk to them or even approach them. Dealing with an arguing or fighting woman is intimidating for most of the men. They wait to cling on to your most innocent jokes and the simplest expressions of humor. There are certain things a man should never tell a woman during the fight. What comes out so spontaneously may turn explosive at such instances.

Never ever say to relax

The word relax is a forbidden phrase in fight. By asking her to relax, you are indirectly indicating that she is out of mood and out of control, while she thinks that she is really serious on what she is trying to prove.
Many men ask the question, are you mad? This is also equally detrimental to ask a fighting woman. Never try to prove that you are ok and the lady is abnormal. Do not even hint that she is talking nonsense, even if you are right to say so. Anything that puts them down during the fight will be resisted with utmost sense of defense.
No expressions of love or sex
Telling 'I love you', or 'can I kiss you' type expressions are forbidden in a fight. The immediate answer will be a denial and it will only help to prolong the fight. Woman may consider the expressions as a way to divert her attention and trying to play with her emotions.
Do not even ask 'how do you want it tonight' questions. Direct mentioning of sex during a fight may worsen the condition than ever. Sex is not a source of calming down for women; they enjoy it when they are calm down.

Avoid words hint her past life
Mentioning her ex-boyfriends or ex-husband while you fight may make her angrier. If you really wish to put an end to the fight in the most peaceful way possible, then keep mum even if she blasts at you about your past relationships.
Never ask her 'how many men have you slept with'. It just irritates the woman and she may go to unexpected extents of anger and hatred. She may consider the expressions as a trick to humiliate her or belittle her by remembering her of the past life.
Do not go on apologizing
Apologizing with a fighting woman many times bring back the negative results. When the man apologizes she just jump into the conclusion that he is mistaken not her. Silence or less-hurting arguments are better to calm down an angry woman.
Do not admit all the mistakes at the first instance, which you may think my put an end to the issue. But the woman may feast on your sentiments and put you down to the soil. Try to defend your arguments in the mildest possible way.

Do not pretend as if you did not pay attention
Asking that 'what did you say? I didn't listen', question is a big no in fighting. When you ask this it gives a hint that you consider her talks as unimportant and not worthy to be listened. Even if you didn't listen, she is not goanna repeat it to you.
Trying to divert her attention to some other things may make her furious. Just pretend as if she says wonderful things and you listen and understand each word of it. With your body language and gestures, just convey that you are grasping what she says.
Fights are not occasions to impose your ideas, thoughts, demands and desires on the other person. Fights are, in fact, uncontrolled moments in life and if people do not learn to deal such situations in most mature way, the life can be hell and relationships so unstable. Fights are not times of communication; what happen in fight are thoughtless expressions of anger and frustrations.

Why My Breakup Was The Best Thing That Ever Happened To Me

Two years ago, I got out of a long-distance relationship that I’d been in for nearly four years. Five months prior to the actual breakup, my then-boyfriend hinted at wanting to get engaged. As an abstract concept, getting married someday was nice, but when confronted with the reality of it, the very idea terrified me. I was only 23, and our relationship wasn't exactly healthy. Despite the front I’d always put on for our families, friends and even for him, I spent most of our time together feeling hurt and stuck in my situation. He was often inconsiderate of my feelings and we fought constantly, so my anxiety was at an all-time high, and I knew I couldn't spend forever feeling that way. So, I tried to shut down the marriage talk quickly.

“We’re too young, we don’t even live in the same state, we’re still figuring out our careers,” I told him. “Not now.” But what I really meant was, “Not ever.” A month later, at Christmas, he excitedly handed me a little black velvet jewelry box in front of my parents, and I felt panic envelop me. I opened it to find two earrings staring back at me. I expected to feel a wave of relief rush through my body, but the anxiety remained. I spent the following four months in inner turmoil, unhappy and wanting to leave but too afraid to talk about it, pretending everything was fine. And finally, one day, I just snapped and asked him for a break to figure things out. Two weeks later, we finally called it quits.

I’ve been over this breakup since it happened. My ex didn't leave me unexpectedly; I initiated it, I wanted it, and I made it happen. We made the decision to part ways after I raised my concerns, and I’ve never regretted it or missed him. But in the aftermath, I beat myself up over letting our relationship get to that point in the first place. I regretted settling for unhappiness and staying with someone so wrong for me for so long. I regretted wasting my time and letting someone treat me with less respect and love than I deserved in a partner. I felt like all of the hurt I experienced while I was in our relationship was my fault because I didn't leave sooner, even though I could feel the toll it was taking on my mental health — even the slightest sting in an argument would leave me having panic attacks on the bathroom floor. I regretted that I felt so insecure, that I hated myself so much that I thought I should stay in an unhealthy relationship because it was better than starting over. And most of all, I hated that I put on the façade that everything was fine and didn’t tell anyone what I was going through.

A few days ago, I was searching for a misplaced file on my computer and stumbled upon a folder of archived text messages with my ex. I didn’t even realize my computer had been automatically backing up my chats for years, so finding these little traces of my past was a strange experience. I thought about just deleting everything without even taking a peek, but my curiosity got the best of me, and I wound up re-reading our texts from the week of our breakup.

At first, it was funny to me — he was being disrespectful and I was being brutally honest in response, with my usual touch of sass. But the more I read, the more I noticed how fragile I was at that time in my life. At one point, we’d be arguing over something huge, and I’d be talking about how hurt and disrespected I felt, and then an hour later I’d ask him if he’d seen the trailer for a new movie coming out, clearly desperately trying to change the subject and pretend nothing bad had ever happened. I could see the way my mood changed during a 10-minute conversation, even if seemingly nothing triggered it. And for a second, I thought it was embarrassing that I was so erratic. I felt like I’d done something wrong. But then I thought about how amazing it is that I’m at a point in my life where I don’t act like that anymore because I’m actually happy.

I knew I’d changed a lot in the two years since we broke up, but those texts put all of the growth I’d experienced into perspective, and I finally stopped blaming myself. Despite all the bad, our breakup was the catalyst for several big changes in my life.

I used to spend a lot of time censoring myself, and while that wasn’t an exact result of dating my ex, it was something that my relationship perpetuated for a lot longer than I wanted it to. We met in college, and at the time, I was mostly pretending to be someone I wasn’t — I grew up without a lot of friends, so I saw college as my fresh start and acted like a different person so I wouldn’t be alone. I made friends, but I wasn’t truly happy. After a while, I decided I didn’t want to be that fake person anymore, but neither my ex nor our mutual friends understood. It wasn’t until our relationship was over that I was fully able to be myself and love it. I started taking better care of my health, started to appreciate my body and take style risks I was too afraid to be judged for before. I allowed myself to fully embrace my interests, even if I thought other people would think I was weird. And I started putting myself out there online and in real life, which led me to making some truly amazing friends who actually appreciate me for me.

My life used to be all about the “what ifs?” without enough focus on what was happening day-to-day. Being in an unhealthy, long-distance relationship, my belief was that, “Next time we visit each other, things will be better,” and, “Maybe someday, when we live together, everything will be OK.” It took me so long to realize things would never get better in our situation. Now, I live in the present — my future is important to me and I still have big life plans to fulfill, but I’m so much more focused on enjoying what I have while I have it. I don’t wait for things to get better, I make decisions and I live a lot more spontaneously than I ever did before.

I’ve also learned to handle my anxiety in better ways than I used to. The reality is, I’ll always have my triggers and it will always be a challenge. But, I’ve learned that managing my mental health is about taking things one day at a time, figuring out what makes me feel better and what doesn’t help, finding people who bring out the light inside of me, and cutting out people who don’t. And because I’m also feeling a lot more confident in myself these days, I no longer feel like I need to keep people around who hurt me just because it might be better than being alone.

Most important, now I know what I want. I know the kind of relationships I want to have and the kind of emotional support I need from friends, and I have a better grasp on what I want to do with my life. I used to make decisions based on more than just my own needs, and while sometimes compromise is necessary, I put myself last so often that I forgot to ask myself what mattered to me entirely. I know now that I have to come first, because if I’m not doing what’s right for me, I can’t do the right thing for anyone else.

When I was younger and people hurt me, my mother used to tell me, “People come in and out of your life for a reason. When they leave you, it’s because they’ve served their purpose.” For the longest time, I didn’t believe her. When you’re a kid, it’s hard to wrap your head around the reasons people treat you badly. But I’ve finally realized my mother was right — no one you involve yourself with is a waste of time, because even the people who hurt you the most are there for a reason, even if you can’t see it yet.

Reasons why I'm glad I married someone similar to me

When I was dating my now-husband, I remember hitting a point in our relationship where we were past the early-relationship jitters that every couple faces and we really started to hit things in stride. We’d have tough discussions and come out of them feeling closer than we had before. We realized we never got sick of each other, no matter how much time we spent together. Things that we both had experienced negatively in past relationships we found to be positive with each other. I remember realizing that being together was just easy.
You’ve probably heard it said that it’s great to be with someone that challenges you. But often that statement is followed by a joke about how much that person drives you insane. When you are with someone who is similar to you, you can still challenge each other, but it doesn't have to be a confrontational thing.

I have heard a lot of couples sum up their relationship in the words, “We fight a lot, but we love each other.” I know a lot of couples that are each other’s opposite in nearly every way, and they appreciate the differences and conflicts that arise because of it. To me, however, having a partner so similar to me is what adds life to our relationship. I appreciate the fact that my husband and I generally want to do the same things, go the same places, and do the same activities. We avoid so many small and large arguments and discussions just because we want so many of the same things
Here are reasons it makes our relationship work so well:

1. We find the same things funny.

We’re constantly texting each other articles, GIFs, and YouTube clips throughout the day that we know the other will find funny because we find the same dumb stuff hilarious. Example: a few weeks ago we cried laughing at this video and haven’t stopped quoting it since. We’re also pretty sure no one we know will find it as hilarious as we do.

2. We have similar personalities.

When it comes to personality tests, we are both borderline extrovert/introverts. We are all for going to shows and going out with friends, but we will never say no to reading books at a coffee shop or on our couch all day long. Because our social habits line up well we are not faced with dragging each other to something the other would not enjoy.

3. We never argue over how to spend a weekend.

Hiking, beach, coffee shop, Netflix, going out for drinks. We have our go to ways to spend a weekend on lockdown. That doesn’t mean we never try a new adventure, but we don’t have to worry about grating on each other because we have a stable of shared activities.

4. We share cooking and chores evenly.

Before getting married we did a little workbook to discuss where we landed on the spectrum of different things, cooking and cleanliness being a couple of those. We both love cooking, and we both will do the cleaning to keep our apartment nice and cozy. This is a huge point of contention for most couples, so it’s big to know your expectations of each other before you live together. Maybe one of you does all the cooking and the other does all the cleaning. Whatever your balance, make sure you know what you expect from one another and that you divide and conquer.

5. We have similar career goals.

It is so fun to be with someone who is also passionate about writing and stories. We get to help each other write, edit, and share story ideas because we share that same interest.

6. We have the same views on spending money.

Another big one for couples, if one of you is a compulsive spender and the other is a saver it can get rocky. We have found our sweet spot of saving for the future while still enjoying and treating ourselves now and then in the present. Talking about money can be uncomfortable, but it will help your relationship to know what your budget is and be mindful of each other in what you spend money on

Wednesday 13 July 2016


I marvel when people are anxious over nothing. Human beings worry over food, clothing, marital partner, their children, the economy, bad political leadership and money. Let me shock you; you are not in this world to marry! Neither are you in this world to own houses, buy cars or acquire wealth that won't outlive you. All these things that have become the major focus of man are the incidental condiments to our purpose on earth. This life seems to me an audition for eternity! We are only here to write the examination for our eternal existence: If you live right and pass creditably, you will earn eternal bliss and commendation. If you exist wrongly and fail woefully, you will be ill-fated with eternal blisters and damnation! Remember that no matter how long you stay buying in the market, you can never sleep there! This life is a market place. What you are buying is your purpose in the market, the things we focus on in this life are mere market noises! Change your focus to Heaven today and become more earthly relevant. Heaven is void without you!


Yes! Everyone has an issue!

From the poor to the rich, From the old to the young, From the married to the single. The only problem is that when your issue drags on for too long and you invite people into it, they forget theirs and debate yours!

Yes! Everyone has an issue!

The poor walk and work long distance to get food, The rich trek long distance to burn the fat they gain from food, The poor complains that he sleeps too much because he has no money, The rich can't sleep again because of the fear of armed robbers and kidnappers

Yes! Everyone has an issue!

The single envies the married man as the truly 'happy' man and can't wait to tie the nuptials. The married man wishes to regain his 'freedom' with no one asking him where he was coming from and become single again. The messenger admires the manager and wishes to experience his position. The manager can't relax in his position because even the messenger's salary is his problem.

Yes! Everyone has an issue!

The ordinary people want to have fame like celebrities. The celebrities wish they were ordinary people so that their private lives would no longer be headlines and breaking news on gossip blogs and soft sell magazines. The masses want to be rich and powerful like Politicians. The Politicians sleep in cemeteries for spiritual reinforcement and wish they didn't run for political office

Yes! Everyone has an issue!

The public and the church wish to be Pastors so they can own jets and live in castles. The Pastors sit on the hot seat as they and their family get reprisal attacks from demons they cast out and they will be judged over each tithe they receive on the last day! The children wish to be grown like their parents.The Parents miss their childhood days when they had parents to look after them.

Whatever your issue is, be grateful to God. Stop wishing to be like someone else who has only but a different issue.


There are adults who behave like children, that's too bad.
I have discovered that there are childish things that we need to deal with before we can be good partners to the people we love. We need to stop being adults acting like children in our relationships this year. Here are some of those things:

Having your way all the time does not happen in the adult world.

Selfishness is a trademark for children. When we were little, we were always being taught to share. Don’t eat that sweet all by yourself, share with your friend. Well, sometimes we did, sometimes we didn't. This selfishness is an attitude you can’t bring to marriage. You will be required to lay down your opinions and your way of doing things every now and then. Remember, love is kind and does not seek its own.

Throwing tantrums has no place in marriage:

I am sure you have seen a desperate mother trying to calm her little angel down who is crying and kicking because she wants everything in the supermarket. Not a pretty sight. Do you cause a scene when you are angry and no one can calm you down? You need to deal with that awful behavior. You need to learn to fight fair. Name calling, shouting and being dramatic hurts your partner and makes you look bad.

Silent treatment is a lousy way to solve conflict:

In the adult world, people sit down and talk through the conflict. If you need sometime to think through an issue or calm down first discussing something, just ask. Say, “Sweetie, I am not ready to talk about this right now. Can we pick this up tomorrow evening?” This is much better than your partner walking on eggshells for days on end never knowing what they did to upset and when you will start talking to them again.

Keeping score and getting even is for the playground: 

This idea of reminding your partner all the things they have done since 1964 has got to stop. This is an issue especially with women. I admit even I do it. I need to work harder to forgive and forget. We need to stop trying to get even, to have the last word. A wise man once said that you can win an argument but lose a friend. Here is something I have been constantly reminding myself, my husband and I are on the same team. It is us against the world not us against each other.

Commitment issues:

Children are known to have a short concentration span…They get distracted easily, especially by shiny objects This should cease with age. Concentrate on the one you love, focus your attention to her and if she is what you want in a life partner, commit to her, and to her alone. Don’t be distracted by shiny objects.

No one can love you the way you should love yourself: 

Marriage is not the place to have your self-esteem issues solved. Learn to love yourself. If you expect your man to love and validate you all the time, you will be disappointed. Only God can love you fully, man will always fall short. Be complete in God first; don’t expect someone to complete you.

Happily ever after takes work: 

Most stories and movies always end with boy and girl conquering all to be together and they live happily ever after. What no one tells you is that meeting the love of your life is just the beginning. Successful and happy marriages take lots of work. Take a look at your folks to learn – married for 30+ years, 3 kids (or more)…they have given you a good education, taught you great principles and they are still investing in your life by calling you every now and then. Now, that is not easy; it is something you do deliberately and continuously.

Lets strive to be better people in our relationships. Marriage is not for children, or for adults acting like children.


I have discovered that love doesn't guarantee the success of a relationship. Love cannot help you stick to one person all years round, and on the other hand, cheating isn't always a product of not loving your partner. In fact, loving someone doesn't guarantee not falling in love with any other person. Relationships work out mostly because of our head not our heart, it work out because of our emotional maturity, empathetic intelligence and self discipline because time will come when you'll see more beautiful, handsome, romantic, intelligent, sexy, rich, curvy and God fearing people than the one you're in a relationship with. In those times, love will not help you, self control will help you, emotional intelligence will come to your rescue, commitment will keep you going. With those characteristics, no matter how you feel for someone else, the person you're committed to will rank first in your life. You think happily married people don't see better people than the ones they married? You think they don't feel funny sometimes? You think they don't catch feelings? They do! But understanding that commitment is greater than feelings is the great arsenal that do destroy that impulse. You can fall in love with anyone, but building a relationship takes absolutely more than what attracted you to them. It takes more than love. We are too fond of loving when it's convenient, when it's sweet. We are too fond of loving when love is there but that can only last for just the first 3-6 months of the relationship. After then, you'll realize that the feelings have dropped, it's now your responsibility to make it work, not love's responsibility. Relationships cannot be ready-made. You have to build it and it's never always about love, it requires commitment, it requires intelligent. On the long run in marriages, it's not just love that keeps them together forever, it's determination and commitment. Everyone fall in love, it takes little or no effort to do that. But staying in love? Building a relationship? Only the strong and committed ones do that. That's why we must find that one person and commit to that one, Discipline yourself, bridle your emotions. Building a relationship is hard-work, it's like building a career, It's like pursuing a dream. It's always tough, at some point it will be so bitter but you can make it work by putting your heads together, you can scale through the trying time by being focus and committed. The kind of love that attracts two people together is not the kind of love that will keep them together. Be emotionally strong! Be self disciplined. Sticking to one person is not natural, you must develop yourself spiritually and morally to do that. It works great and perfect with people of like minds, people of the same believes, people that share the same school of thought. May God give us that one person that will be all we ever wanted. True love is truly a beautiful thing .