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Wednesday, 13 July 2016


I marvel when people are anxious over nothing. Human beings worry over food, clothing, marital partner, their children, the economy, bad political leadership and money. Let me shock you; you are not in this world to marry! Neither are you in this world to own houses, buy cars or acquire wealth that won't outlive you. All these things that have become the major focus of man are the incidental condiments to our purpose on earth. This life seems to me an audition for eternity! We are only here to write the examination for our eternal existence: If you live right and pass creditably, you will earn eternal bliss and commendation. If you exist wrongly and fail woefully, you will be ill-fated with eternal blisters and damnation! Remember that no matter how long you stay buying in the market, you can never sleep there! This life is a market place. What you are buying is your purpose in the market, the things we focus on in this life are mere market noises! Change your focus to Heaven today and become more earthly relevant. Heaven is void without you!

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